Sunday, January 17, 2016

Holiday Card and Outtakes

Every year for the holidays my photographer husband comes up with a creative way to include the entire family in our Christmas card.  Since our newest addition to the "Smith Farm" is our kitty that we fostered, then adopted, he became this years highlight!  When we first brought Blue home his name was Wren, but it just wasn't sticking.  "Blue" is such a great name because we get to use it so many ways!  "You're my boy, Blue!" (for those who don't know it's from the movie Old School) or "Big Blue" because we are avid NYG fans and he happens to be big...and blue!  And now "We're having a BLUE Christmas without you" (c'mon everyone knows Elvis)! 
This was Blue's first Christmas with us, but the hens and the dogs are used to the drill.  Everybody donned their holiday gear (with the egg-ception of EggBerta..she's the diva) and we followed Cameron's instructions in front of the camera.  And there you have it!  Smith Farm Holiday Card 2015!  Enjoy the outtakes :) 

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