He's a handsome, 2 year old domestic shorthair, who is white with brown tabby speckles (they're really more just like big circles, but we didn't name him!). He was surrendered to OHS in January, then got adopted and returned because of a severe inner ear infection. Along with the ear infection he caught a kitty cold, and the combination had him feeling pretty crappy. He wasn't eating, had lost a lot of weight and was on a ton of meds (5 to be exact). His adoptive mom
didn't feel that she could give him the proper care that he needed, so she surrendered him to us (me) and when his treatment is complete and he's doing better she will be redeeming him. Bottom line: Even if I wanted to adopt him I can't! Perfect 1st foster!
He transitioned to the new home environment pretty quickly, and he actually fits in very well right now. He wouldn't eat at all at first and I was giving him subcutaneous fluids as needed, but after some TLC and a prescription for diazepam he's eating really well!