I did it. I ran my 1st Half Marathon...in less than 2 hours! Boy oh boy what a feeling. As soon as I crossed the finish line I thought "I'm never doing that again!" but later on that day I started having the "post half marathon blues" so will be doing another one for sure! It's one of those things that you prepare for for so long and then when it's over you feel kind of down. Good thing I have Rebekka and Lauren though because they keep me motivated! We actually ran a 5K Fun Run this morning at Columbia Park. It was Elia's first participation in a run (with Bekka pushing him in his stroller of course) and he even got a ribbon :)
Anyway back to the Half Marathon! It was in Eugene, OR so Saturday afternoon we all drove down and checked into our hotels and picked up race packets and bibs at the Expo Center. We went to dinner at a Sushi place and had a couple of beers and lots of yummy food. Eugene is the home of the Ninkasi brewery and I swear the beer tasted even MORE delicious there! Lauren went to college in Eugene so is pretty familiar with the area, and after dinner she took us to Max's Tavern in Springfield which is supposed to be what Mo's Tavern on the Simpsons was created after! No minors were allowed so Rebekka and Damien switched off watching Elias in the parking lot while we all had a quick beer in "Mo's" Afterwards we headed back to the hotel (Cam and I booked our hotel too late so it was a DUMP! Rebekka and Damien luckily had a suite and me and Cam slept on the pull out sofa) and "the guys" minus Elias went out for some evening brews while the girls all got some rest.